Australian Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

This document explains to the general public how Engage Australia Pty Ltd, trading as Engage Interactive, manages personal information it collects and uses in Australia. Personal information is information that could identify an individual.

The description is high-level, in line with the Australian Privacy Principle 1 of ensuring that Engage Interactive manages personal information in an open and transparent way.

This document is reviewed yearly.

2. Compliance and standards

Engage Interactive complies with the (Australian) Privacy Act 1988 and other applicable laws and regulations.

Engage Interactive has an extensive set of internal “information security” policies and processes designed to guarantee that personal information is protected, and processed in a legal and fair manner whenever it is collected or used by Engage Interactive.

The policies and processes are fully aligned with internationally recognised best practices and standards such as ISO 27001 (Information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection).

3. Personal information

Engage Interactive only collects and uses personal information in a lawful and fair way.

Engage Interactive does not collect or use “sensitive” personal information with the potential exception of some employee information that it must collect and use as expected by an employer.

Engage Interactive minimises the collection and use or personal information. We only collect and use personal information if we have to. Personal information which is not needed or no longer needed is deleted.

Engage Interactive collects and uses personal information in the following four situations:

3.1. Employees

Engage Interactive collects and uses personal information of its Australian employees as can be reasonably expected of an employer.

Details of the information and of the processes surrounding this category of personal information can be found in the HR documentation and training that each employee is provided with. Employees should contact HR if they want to access, correct, or delete their personal information.

3.2. Customer and supplier contacts

Engage Interactive collects and uses personal information of the representatives of its customers and suppliers (typically name, email address, and phone number) as can be reasonably expected of a company to do in order to maintain business relationships with its customers and suppliers.

This personal information is deleted when no longer needed or relevant. Engage Interactive’s company policies mandate that personal information is always deleted a certain number of years after the business relationship has ended.

If you are a customer or supplier representative and you want to access, correct, or delete your personal information please contact your account manager or supplier representative at Engage Interactive. If you have lost their contact details, you can use the general email address

3.3. Web site visitors and other potential customer contacts

Engage Interactive may collect and use personal information of the visitors of its website and of other individuals who approach the company showing an interest in its services, as can reasonably be expected a company to do in the normal course of its business.

Details of the information that might be collected or used, and of the processes surrounding this information can be found in the Privacy Policy available on the web site at this address:

3.4. Individuals involved in Engage Interactive’s services

Engage Interactive provides communication services to its customers (which are other organisations, such as banks). For example, Engage Interactive can enable a bank to interact with its own customers via SMS or other channels.

These services are likely to require the use of personal information of individuals. For example to send a text message to an individual on behalf of a bank Engage Interactive would need to be provided by the bank with the mobile number of the individual that needs to receive the message.

Customers using Engage Interactive systems and contracting Engage Interactive to provide communication services are responsible for collecting and using personal information in a legal and fair manner. Engage Interactive will respond promptly to any reports of customers misusing its systems or services in illegal or unfair ways.

Engage Interactive will only use the smallest amount of personal information required for the contracted services to work. In most, but not all, cases, this is limited to the mobile number or email address of the individuals involved in the services.

Engage Interactive will never use the personal information for any purpose other than to provide the services it was contracted to provide.

Engage Interactive will delete any personal information when no longer needed for the contracted services. But because of reasonable auditing and billing requirements some minimal personal information (such as mobile numbers involved in messages) may need to be retained for up to 36 months.

Engage Interactive’s systems automatically delete all personal information after a fixed period of when it was last used to guarantee personal information will always eventually be deleted if not in use.

Engage Interactive stores and processes data of Australian customers in Australia. The services and the data are hosted in Australia. Engage Interactive will not export the personal information outside of Australia. As an exception, technical support personnel in Europe (UK and EEA) who is working on setting up, maintaining, or troubleshooting Engage Interactive’s services may see some of the personal information from remote. In such cases Engage Interactive makes sure that any such activity still complies with The Australian Privacy Principles and with the Australian Privacy Act 1988.

If you want to access, correct, or delete your personal information it is usually most meaningful for you to contact the organisation that we provide services for. For example, if you are a customer of a bank and the bank is communicating with you through our services, and if you want to amend the mobile number or email address that is used to communicate with you, it normally is most meaningful for you to contact the bank as they hold the master information on you and may use other providers or services to communicate with you. Once your mobile number or email address is updated in the bank records then that change will automatically flow over into our systems (and into the systems of any other supplier that the bank might be using) without the need to contact us directly. But if for any reasons you can’t contact the organisation (such as the bank) directly, please do get in touch with us at

If you are aware of any of our customers misusing our systems to collect or use personal information in a way that is unlawful or unfair please report the issue to

4. Access requests

If you want to access, amend, or delete personal information we have on you please contact us at We aim to answer any request within 14 days.

5. Complaints

If you want to lodge a complaint about how we collect or use personal information please contact us at We aim to answer any request within 14 days. If you are unsatisfied with our response, you can take the complaint to the OAIC (

6. Contact us

You can contact us via email at

Our address is Engage Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 4366 Lake Haven NSW 2263, Australia.

Our phone number is 1800-001-201.